03 May 2013

denver update.

well, it's day three of our week-plus visit to colorado.  it's been a very fun-filled few days, but yesterday was notable for one big reason.

we went back to our house for the first time since we moved out of it and our tenants moved in.

it was a very strange experience to walk into our [old] home that we spent so much time painting, decorating, fixing [and even buying!] and seeing someone else has made it their own.  i definitely miss the house.  there are so memories behind every corner... the paint party we had when we first ditched the yellow downstairs, painting the hallway upstairs while i was home after our first miscarriage, the hundreds of headaches we dealt with remodeling the upstairs bathroom, and that's just work we've done.  all the dinners and friends we've hosted, our annual christmas parties. 

it was our first house.  and i've said it before and i'll say it again, but most of the time pi and i feel like we could live anywhere.  even now, as we've walked the streets of lodo and hit some of our favorite spots, we've said we miss it. but really, i miss our house.  if we could just pick it up and take it along with us to massachusetts, to california, to wherever we decide to move to, it would be pretty much the best.  although a lot of times we thought about it as our starter house, our five-year-plan house, there was a part of me that seriously thought we'd keep it forever.  it was big enough, with four bedrooms and two bathrooms and a huge backyard and room to expand.  but no matter how much i love that house, i can't move it anywhere else with us, unfortunately.  it stays here, without us. 

moving day, december 2012
the rest of the trip has really been wonderful.  with all of the time i have, ive gotten the chance to just hang out with friends.  no rush, no cramming visits into every moment of the day, lots of time to relax... just what we wanted here. 

til next time...

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