25 August 2011


me, 1st day of school in prague.
i imagine this upcoming semester
to be the total opposite of this.
hi friends.

it's been a busy week.  i started school monday [insert long, loud, deep exhale here].  it's finally here - my much anticipated (by me) return to university.  as of monday morning i was able to log in to my two online classes (math and macroeconomics), so of course in between mascara and blush all monday morning i was logging on my laptop to see what i could find out about my classes.  and here is what i've learned so far.

1 - i think i'm actually going to like my macroeconomics class.  it's a lot of work but none of it is necessarily difficult, and all if it is interesting.  not to mention incredibly relevant for my 9-5 right now.  we have to do a lot of discussing issues our professor poses and find a lot of articles to share and discuss.  i already finished this week's work for the class - four days early!  totally not the way i used to study... seriously though, i don't think i'll have problems getting into this class or taking anything away from it.

2 - i can't do math.  seriously.  remember a while back when i couldn't figure out basic algebra over happy hour (and actually cried about it)?  well it's worse now.  much worse.  because my math problems now look like this:                    
x= -b ± √b²-4ac

so yeah, i'm going to need some help, a tutor or something.  it's going to be very, very difficult and frustrating for me.

3 - my "only meets three weekends" class?  a whole lot more work than that.  a LOT.  i got the syllabus today for my first public policy 5000 level course and it's intense.  i immediately got into the car with philip and explained how totally overwhelmed i felt.  4 classes?  what was i thinking?  thank god that the two weekend courses aren't overlapping - i seriously couldn't do it.  the three classes that will be going on at one time is definitely enough for me at this point, thank-you-very-much.  

4 - i worked on school work monday pre-going in to the office and when i got home til 10:30, repeated the same on tuesday, today read two macro chapters on my lunch hour and did two and a half hours worth of work at home post-coming home from the office and it's just wednesday.  the first week of the semester.  which means there needs to be one designated NO SCHOOL ZONE day.  philip and i decided it will be thursdays - that will be the day that when i come home from work (typically a slower work day, too) it will just be philip and i, and our favorite fall thursday shows of course.  ideally we will have more time together too; but at least now going in there will be one day a week where no textbooks will be opened, no math problems cried over.  and that's good news for me.

i think that's the major stuff right now.  but you know what the best part of this week was?  i am getting a taste of what the next few months will be like, and i think i'll be so busy that it will go by in a flash.  i can do this.  and i have pride and purpose in my life outside of work right now, which is something i also really love.  it's going to be busy ladies and gentlemen, and i can't promise you blog posts every week even.  but i guess that's what they call opportunity cost in economics :)

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