01 February 2013

off the wagon & loving it.

for those of you who read fairly regularly, you may remember that not too long ago i blogged about the paleo diet.

well that's over.

truth be told it's been over for quite a while... about three weeks.  i was on the diet for about a week or so and lost four pounds, but it just wasn't working for me.  i had hoped that paleo would help me with some health issues i had last year, but after looking more into it i learned that it wasn't giving the proper calcium or vitamin D to a woman of my age and health concerns.  so screw that.

now to venture somewhere i don't think i've ever really gone before... my body.

if i am being totally honest - i've just never been a diet person.  i do enjoy eating healthy, and for the most part most of the foods that i love to eat on a day-to-day basis are pretty healthy.  i love fruit, i don't eat much meat and really do enjoy my vegetables.  but on the downside is that i am italian - which means some form of carbs at every meal, and no shortage of cheese either.  and now that i am home all the time, i have really enjoyed cooking new and more complicated recipes, and even baking - which is something i could never successfully do before [side note: now i am only semi-successful].

now, i don't have a perfect body.  but generally speaking, i am happy with how i look.  i am happy with my dimensions.  i am a curvy girl, but in a 50s pinup kind of way [i like to think].  i'm not overweight and have a healthy BMI, so i can enjoy the bit of excess that i do have.  i don't believe that a full life should have too much 'nos' on it... no carbs after lunch, no eating after 8, no fried foods, no sweets.  that's just not my style.  i don't eat dessert every day, but i like knowing that if i see an old-fashioned doughnut, i'm gonna eat that bad boy. 

nor do i enjoy the regiment of having to go to the gym every day.  i love having a healthy lifestyle, but for me that's jogging when it's nice out and hitting the treadmill when it's not [and i feel like it].  it's swimming as much as i can in the summer, and relaxing my body, mind and spirit with yoga.  do i want a bikini body?  bet your ass i do, but i'm just not one of those girls who is willing to give up everything to have it.  and i'm becoming more and more ok with that as i get older.

my weight has never fluctuated a huge amount.  yes, i still have some clothes from high school that i fit into.  but i've gone up a few cup sizes and my ass has definitely filled out.  but i am pretty happy.  i don't believe in scales in the house [much to pi's annoyance] because i think that if you can look in the mirror and like what you see [and of course are healthy], what else matters? 

for the record, i did yoga and ran two miles today.  and i plan on doing it again soon - but after i take the weekend off and eat homemade spaghetti tonight :)

and just to prove i'm not full of it, here's a shot of my bikini body from last may i hid.  you can tell it is very impromptu by my less-than-smiling face. 

tomorrow i will probably wake up, feel fat, and delete this post.  but today i feel pretty great.

til next time...