07 March 2012

how do you see the world?

ideology: the ideas and manner of thinking characteristic of a group, social class or individual.

i love this.  learning stuff in school is always fantastic, but feeling those dots connect in your own life is something i really value about school.  in class a few weeks ago we were discussing ideologies and political theory.  as all good classes do, the discussion prompted some deep thought on my part.  

how do i see the world?  what is it that i believe in?

well, for starters, i reflected on an experience i had a few months ago.  it was a conversation i had with an obama supporter back in november, where this man said something simple that struck me as profound.  referring to people who oppose his political views, he said, 'we just don't see the world the same way.'  i loved that.  i had never thought of my own political views that way, but here was a man who saw disagreement as more than just policy issues.  it was a difference in the way the world looked to him.  and not so much at the time, but since then i've been doing a lot of thinking (especially coupled with studying ideologies in class) about how i see the world.  and how i've always seen the world.  i'm just now (i know, i know) putting together the fact that what i'm doing now with my life and why i'm going to school is a direct reflection on how i was raised and my views of the world.  

how do you see the world?  what is important to you?  

just spending a lot of time thinking about this lately and thought i'd share.  plus i've been a bit MIA this week (volunteering four times this week - LOVE IT - plus school tonight, and valentine's day friday night). 

til next time...

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